Criticism in Architecture..

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Lecturers can sometimes be nasty, I hate it when they bang you like a dog or a bitch.. I mean its okay to criticize a student if their work are not up to standard, but there is always a limit to how one should criticize. Use proper words, words that do not hurt feelings.

The worst critic I’ve ever heard from a lecturer would be to ask the student to quit, saying that he/she is not qualified to be an architect.

Here are some of the best comments by lecturers and professors I’ve come across, some of these are first hand experience, while others are from online blogs reading:

  • “Hey, everyone, gather round this project, come in close…because this is a great example for everyone of exactly what NOT to do..”
  • “This drawing isn’t worth the paper it is printed on.”
  • “Why are you here? Don’t come back next semester.” 
  • “You should go straight to Poultry Science.”
  • “Here’s a quarter. go call your mom and tell her you’re not going to be an architect.”
  • “So your parents are pay 2000JDs a year for this.”
  • “When I went to school, at a different school than this one, there were students who would present projects like this one. And they would fail.” 
  • “Who sketched that, your ten year old sister?”
  • “Your project looks like something that’s been through a trash compactor”
  • “This space that you’ve designed is the type place where beggars and dogs go to die”
  • “This (model) is great…..just don’t let your dog play with it next time.”
  • “Have you ever considered a career in accounting?”
  • “Your theory is bullshit. You don’t need that”
  • Prof pointing to part of a model, “Did you chew this?”
  • “You don’t care about this project, do you? So I won’t say anything about it”
  • “You have good sense of humor but architects don’t…”
  • “Anyone got any matches… so I can burn this”
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Well... to be fair, criticism is not a simple matter of declaring a work “good” or “bad”. Good criticism involves interpretation, interpretation varies depending on the background and interests of the critics. Effective criticism brings varied types of knowledge and experience to bear on a work. It opens a project to the wider world. The best criticism tells both architect and listener something they didn’t already know...
Do not praise me, praises kills my determination.
Do not backstab me, because you are pushing yourself to the end.
Do not support me, critique me, I need that to complete myself.

Wishing everyone a very Merry Christmas!


  1. “This space that you’ve designed is the type place where beggars and dogs go to die”

    JUST FUNNY! loooooooolz

    I like it Karim thanks for the post!

  2. thanks ...
    i like your thoughts...
    and i like these words " Do not praise me, praises kills my determination.
    Do not backstab me, because you are pushing yourself to the end.
    Do not support me, critique me, I need that to complete myself.

  3. Thanks for the comment "Young Architect", I hope you enjoy reading our blog..
