sexiest… WOOHOO!!!

Found this survey done by a London dating agency ‘Drawing Down the Moon’ on the web undated, and I couldn't believe it. Its such a funny thing, i mean really? do you really think that male architects are sexy?! well sure they are funny and tend to be smooth ( yea.. pretend to be smooth, pretty all of them.. ) lol!! well all men in creative fields are all pretty much the same anyway, balanced, well-rounded, mysterious, sexy and caring, but believe me they got scary things hidden behind those sexy looks. ISSUES!! to be fair (especially MEN) got issues, yea creative people are usually very smart and can push their issues to the next level of madness. Yes MADNESS, most of the genius architects ended up mad and committed suicide, one of the most known architects, Francesco Borromini, committed suicide right after completing his last chapel in Rome.

In the summer of 1667, Borromini, suffering from nervous disorders and depression, committed suicide in Rome, after the completion of the Falconieri chapel (the main chapel) in San Giovanni dei Fiorentini, where he was buried.
Well.. to cut it short, architects are sexiest for many reasons:
  • Architects are trained to be heroes, there are very, very few professions that still have a ring of heroism about them, and architecture is one of the few that does. If an architect is portrayed going off the deep end, it's always because they are so committed to what they're doing and that's an honorable thing. And it's one of the last manly professions.. They build something outdoors!
  • Architects are creators, our works stand in reality and last in time, famous wonders were done by genius architects.
  • They are passionate, they think the world revolves around them, they work for sleepless nights for a project and sell their idea with high enthusiasm. “Passion for your work does carry over to a passion in real life. I don’t know of any architect who has not been passionate about life, particularly trying to figure out how to design one’s own life.” John Powers.
  • Architects are rich!! well… not really, but in the impression of the public, they earn by percentage of a project’s cost, count 5% out of a multi million project and you’ll figure it out.
bet you’re happy belonging to the field of architecture!


  1. hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh no comments hhhhhhhh i cant stop laughing guyzzzzz sorry " architects the sexiest male professional " GIVE ME ABREAK really :S:S:S O_o ×_O

  2. I think this article is talking about the real , creative architects of London ... not the freak students of JUST ! so ... tefra7oosh kteer ! :P lol

  3. HAHA!! wow! this is really making females jealous... btw, beware, jealousy can drive you to madness too.

    Anyways, Laith, that's not a typo.. the hidden scary things are (only) issues.

  4. loooooooooooooooool the greatest article ever I like it!!!
    girls don't be jealous!! find another profession!

  5. ROFL!!! Nice one Laith! I've never seen Motley Crue before, but yea that's totally true...

  6. lol .. what issues ?
    hell yea Mardini .. you guys look awesome both ways .. especially with "56oo6 el nawar" :P
    and BTW according to this totally stupid article .. "Abbood o shelto" are the sexiest "Men" in University ?!!! ennu looooool !
    and hell no we are not jealous .. it's a survey in LONDON .. where architects like Michale Scoofield live !

  7. BTW Lama Michale Scofield doesn't live in London!!! loooooolz

  8. I'd like to say : bahaaaaaaa .... I know !!!
    I mean what they had in mind is Architects who LOOKS LIKE Michale Scoofield !
    and BTW thanks for the new post , I needed pics for the stupid towers , 3shan eshy fy el landscape and I just found them in the post :) "I'm so lucky ,, I know :P"

  9. Glam rocker ??!!!! fy nas btel3ab b 3addad 3omorha hoon ..
    and looooooooooooooooool I swear I knew someone would say he's a structural engineer .. I have nothing to say here .. BUT .... the article should be renamed .. maybe the new one would be : Architects "are the SILLIEST" nyohahahahaaaa

  10. mr Laith 2nshka7 w 2nbsa6 "The moz" and Ameer the department puppet reallygive one male 3leh el 3ean 3'ear Ameer and Laith of course....

  11. Young architect....
    well ... congratulations ... good for you "Men Architects" ....
    but keep in mind this artcile little abit unfair about the girls from the same feild ...

    note ...
    " ( yea.. pretend to be smooth, pretty all of them.. ) "
    &"They are passionate, they think the world revolves around them"
    &" “Passion for your work does carry over to a passion in real life."
    sooooooo true............ NO
    its sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo true
